MOSFETs are metal, oxide, or semiconductor field-effect transistors, also known as metal insulators or semiconductors. The source and drain of MOSFETs can be swapped, as they are both N-type regions formed in the P-type background. In most cases, these two regions are the same, and even if the two ends are swapped, it will not affect the performance of the device.
(1) It conducts electricity using most charge carriers, so its temperature stability is good
(2) The input current of a field-effect transistor is extremely small, so its input resistance is high
(3) Field effect transistor is a voltage control device that controls ID through VGS
(4) The voltage amplification factor of the amplification circuit composed of it is smaller than that of the amplification circuit composed of the transistor
(5) The strong radiation resistance of field-effect transistors
(6) Due to the absence of scattered noise caused by minority diffusion in chaotic motion, the noise is low