GBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) is a composite fully controlled voltage driven power semiconductor device composed of BJT (bipolar transistor) and MOS (insulated gate field-effect transistor), which combines the advantages of high input impedance of MOSFET and low on/off voltage drop of GTR. The saturation voltage of GTR decreases, the current carrying density is high, but the driving current is high; MOSFET has low driving power, fast switching speed, but high conduction voltage drop and low current density. IGBT combines the advantages of the above two devices, with low driving power and reduced saturation voltage.
IGBT module is a modular semiconductor product composed of IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor chip) and FWD (continuous current diode chip) through a specific circuit bridge package. The packaged IGBT module is directly applied to inverter, UPS uninterruptible power supply and other equipment.
IGBT module has the characteristics of energy saving, easy installation and maintenance, stable heat dissipation, etc. Currently on the market for the sale of such modular products, generally referred to as IGBT also refers to IGBT module; With the promotion of the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection, such products will be more and more common in the market;
IGBT is the core device of energy conversion and transmission, commonly known as the "CPU" of power electronic devices, suitable for use in converter systems with DC voltage of 600V and above, such as AC motor, inverter, switching power supply, lighting circuit, traction drive and other fields. As a national strategic emerging industry, it is widely used in rail transit, smart grid, aerospace, electric vehicles and new energy equipment.